Publications List

Jones,S. A thesaurus data model for an intelligent retrieval system, Journal of Information Science 19(1993) 167-178

Jones,S. Gatford,M. Hancock-Beaulieu,M, Robertson,S. Walker,S. Secker,J. Thesaurus-based query enhancement, in Eric Atwell (ed), Knowledge at Work in Universities, Leeds University Press, Leeds, 1993, pp 15-19

Jones,S. Hancock-Beaulieu,M. Support strategies for interactive thesaurus navigation, in Albrechtsen, Oernager (eds), Knowledge Organization and Quality Management, Indeks Verlag, 1994, pp 366-373

Jones,S. Gatford,M. Hancock-Beaulieu,M, Robertson,S. Walker,S. Secker,J. Interactive thesaurus navigation: intelligence rules OK?? Journal of the American Society of Information Science, 46, 1995, 52-59.

The following unpublished MSc. dissertations were produced in conjunction with the CILKS project.

Mew,J.A.L. Recognition and analysis of thesaurus compound terms. Dept. of Information Science, City University, 1992

Fong,M.L. Investigation and evaluation of alternate means of retrieval in a relational database of thesaurus terms. Dept. of Information Science, City University, 1993

Colton,N. Hypertext presentation and navigation of a thesaurus Dept. of Information Science, City University, 1994