Xokapi - Okapi GUI Project


  1. Fieldhouse, M. Okapi opens a new window on the world of OPACs. ITs News, 28. 1993.

    Describes the development of a graphical user interface for Okapi to support interactive query expansion.

  2. Fieldhouse, M and Hancock-Beaulieu, M.M. The design of a graphical user interface for a highly interactive IR system. In: Proceedings, 16th Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group, Glasgow, 22-23 March 1994.

    Describes the design and development of a graphical user interface allowing interactive query reformulation. Discusses design and evaluation issues, and preliminary evaluation results are outlined.

  3. Hancock-Beaulieu, M., Fieldhouse, M. and Do. T. A graphical interface for Okapi: the design and evaluation of an online catalogue system with direct manipulation interaction for subject access. London: British library, 1994. (British Library Research Report 6144).

    Final project report describes the design, development and evaluation of a graphical user interface for Okapi, to provide interactive query expansion. A detailed presentation of the design and evaluation methodologies and findings.

  4. Hancock-Beaulieu, M., Fieldhouse, M. and Do. T. The evaluation of interactive query expansion in an online catalogue with a graphical user interface. (Submitted for publication to the Journal of Documentation).

    A condensed version of the project report focusing of the retrieval effectiveness of interactive query expansion. Abstract

  5. Hancock-Beaulieu, M. Interactive query expansion in an OPAC: interface and retrieval issues. Journal of Document and Text Management, 2, 1994, 172-185.

    Discusses the design rationale for the GUI interface, including the game-board metaphor.

  6. Fieldhouse, M. and Hancock-Beaulieu, M. The changing face of Okapi. Library Review, 43 (4), 1994, 38-50.

    A review paper tracing the development of the Okapi system.

You might wish to look at a summary of the Xokapi project.