Bibliography: TREC
Okapi at TREC: evaluation experiments with large-scale test
- Robertson, S.E., Walker, S., Hancock-Beaulieu, M., Gull, A . and Lau, M.
Okapi at TREC. In: D. Harman (ed). The First Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC-1). Gaithersburg, MD: NIST, 1993. 21-30.
An account of Okapi's performance in a comparative study of information
retrieval from very large text databases, using automatic query
processing and manual searching with relevance feedback. Abstract
- Robertson, S.E., Walker, S., Jones, S., Hancock-Beaulieu, M., Gull, A.
and Gatford, M. Okapi at TREC-2. In: D. Harman (ed). The Second Text
REtrieval Conference (TREC-2). Gaithersburg, MD: NIST, 1994, 21-34.
Discusses new term weighting models to improve Okapi's query expansion
functions in the TREC experiments. Describes results of automatic and
manual query processing.
- Robertson, S.E., Walker, S., Jones, S., Hancock-Beaulieu, M., Gull, A.
and Gatford, M. Okapi at TREC-2: the second Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC-2). British Library, 1993. (British Library Research Report 6135).
- Robertson, S.E., Walker, S., and Hancock-Beaulieu, M. M. Large test
collection experiments on an operational, interactive system: Okapi at
TREC. (To be published in Information Processing and Management).
Reports on the series of experiments conducted in TREC-1 and 2
investigating the probabilistic model, relevance feedback and query
expansion, and interaction issues. Covers weighting functions for
document length and within-document and within-query term frequency.
- Robertson, S. E., and Walker, S. Some simple effective approximations to
the 2-Poisson model for probabilistic weighted retrieval. In: W. C.
Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen (eds). Proceedings of the seventeenth
annual international ACM-SIGIR conference on research and development in
information retrieval, Dublin 1994. London: Springer-Verlag, 1994,
The paper deals with the 2-Poisson model for term frequencies which was
developed and tested on the TREC test collection.
- Robertson, S. E., Walker, S., Jones, S., Hancock-Beaulieu, M. and
Gatford, M. Okapi at TREC-3. In: D. Harman (ed). The Third Text
REtrieval Conference (TREC-3). Gaithersburg MD: NIST, 1995. (To be
In this third round of TREC the focus was on passage retrieval, query
expansion without relevance feedback and interactive routing