Use of the Oracle RDBMS in the CILKS Project

A relational DBMS was used for the project because it provided a flexible storage structure for complex data, and a powerful high-level query language (SQL), enabling the characteristics of the data to be thoroughly explored. A data model was devised to ensure that all thesaurus relationships could be properly represented and exploited. The following tables were held in the database: Within this environment, breadth-first search through the thesaurus network may be achieved with repeated joins on the relationship tables. The interactive navigation function was implemented using the Oracle Forms3 4GL application environment.

Details of all moves through the thesaurus, terms seen and terms selected, were saved in further database tables, and SQL query / report scripts used to generate navigation logs.

Likewise user relevance judgements on documents produced by original and enhanced queries were logged in database tables for detailed analysis using SQL query and report scripts. See relevance statistics.