The majority of users of both databases made no attempt to change their initial query in any way. This could be due partly to the fact that a third of the initial search results in LBS and just over half in INSPEC produced good matches, i.e. all query terms appeared in the documents retrieved. (In a best-match system, documents which partially match the query are also often deemed to be relevant.) The high percentage of searchers who expressed satisfaction and / or identified at least one relevant document in the initial search results provides further evidence of either the perceived or actual adequacy of the initial query. However, the discrepancy between searcher and the system measure of success, particularly for LBS, suggests that many users have low expectations. Other studies have shown repeatedly that user satisfaction is not a reliable measure, in that users declare satisfaction even when systems perform poorly. In the case of LBS it is also possible that the degree of satisfaction expressed was relative to previous experience with the library's own (Boolean-based) catalogue system, where only those documents matching the query exactly would be retrieved.