ENQUIRE Okapi Project
ENQUIRE Okapi Project
Project Overview
Okapi: The Story So Far
Query Enhancement
The CILKS Thesaurus Project
Query Expansion
Automatic Expansion: The VT100 Interface
Interactive Expansion: The XOkapi GUI
The ENQUIRE Project
Aims and Objectives
Report Structure
The ENQUIRE Framework
Infrastructure Design
The Interface Tool
The Query Model
Internal Communications
System Architecture
The Interface Layer
The Query Layer
The Basic Search System
The Thesaurus Database
Towards a Distributed System
Implementation Issues
Term Set Manipulation
Suggested words from the thesaurus
Eliminating term duplication
Ranking Thresholds
Incremental Query Expansion
Session Management and Transaction Logging
The ENQUIRE Interface
Design Principles
User and Environment
The Typical User?
Querying and Searching
Query Formulation and Reformulation
The Search Process
Design Decisions
Flow of Control
Features and Functionality
User-defined phrases
Query faceting
Graphical thesaurus display
Enriched hit-list display
Histories and backtracking
Playback logs
Multiple query methods
Interface Components
The Entry Area
The Query Area
The Suggested Words Area
The Thesaurus Area
The Document Display Area
The Titles List Area
The Document Pool Area
The Button Bar
On-line Help
Formative Evaluations
Iterative Design
First Formative Evaluation
Evaluation Methods
Questionnaire Results
System Usage
Using the widgets
Making use of the Help notes
Getting to and from the thesaurus
Moving terms into and out of the query
Adding new terms
Navigating the hitlist
Recognising the significance of thesaurus partial matches
Recognising the implications of relevance judgements
Recognising why extracted terms were added to the query
Recognising when the hitlist changed
How do users formulate their initial query?
How did users decide which terms to add?
How did users interpret the thesaurus display and functionality?
How did users make relevance judgements?
How did users compare ENQUIRE with other systems?
Second Evaluation
Test Design
System Usage
Search success
Questionnaire Analysis
How users formulated their initial query
How users perceived the ``Suggested Words'' list
Whether users understood the implications of their relevance judgements
What users thought of ENQUIRE in general
Large-Scale Evaluation
Field Trials
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Measures of Success
Session Summaries
Initial Searches
Document Viewing and Judgement
Query Reformulation
Query Expansion
Expanded Searching
Search Success
Discussion and Conclusions
Searching Behaviour
Brief Initial Queries
Satisfaction with Initial Queries and Search Results
Small Number of Documents Viewed and Judged Relevant
Limited Query Reformulation with Selective Strategies
Incremental Query Expansion
Automatic v Interactive Query Expansion
Evaluation Constraints
Site Selection
Distributed Networked Environment
Database Test Beds
User Interface
Data Collection Instruments
Information-seeking Activities
Summary of Findings
Explicit v Implicit Use of the Thesaurus
Automatic v Interactive Query Expansion
System v User Control
Document v Term Relevance
Interface v Functionality
Conference Paper: ``Query Modelling as a Basis for IR Interface Design''
Example of a Constraint Matrix
Screen Dumps of the Interface
Transaction Log Tables
Detailed list of tables and table attributes
Command names table: cmd_names
Users table: users
Session table: sessions
Command table: commands
Query table: queries
Partial Match List table: matches
Search table: searches
Table of Document Titles: doctitles
Pool table: pools
Termset table: termsets
Thesaurus navigation table: navigates
Hitlist table: hitlists
First Formative Evaluation : Test Administration Script
First Formative Evaluation: Pre-test Questionnaire
First Formative Evaluation : Post-Test Interview Topics
Second Formative Evaluation: Pre-test Questionnaire
Second Formative Evaluation : Post-test Questionnaire
About this document ...
Wed Jul 3 14:11:32 BST 1996