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First Formative Evaluation : Test Administration Script


  1. Enquire of LBS Library users as they approach the LBS catalogue, ``Excuse me, I'm carrying out a study on behalf of the Centre for Interactive Systems Research at City University. I wonder would you mind if I asked you some questions?'' If they do not wish to participate: ``Thank you very much for your time.''

  2. Determine suitability of possible participants:

  3. Show participants to the test location: ask them to be seated at the terminal.

  4. Explain the test goals: ``We are in the process of creating a new method for searching by subject in databases such as library catalogues, and we are trying to make it as easy as possible to use. We need your help in evaluating this system, since you are the type of person who will be using it. The set of database records that you will be searching is the same as the LBS TINMAN Library Catalog that you were about to use.''

  5. Hand them the participant questionnaire and ask: ``So that we have a profile of those who have helped us with this evaluation, would you mind filling out this brief questionnaire?''

  6. Explain the test process: ``What I would like you to do is search for the topic or one of the topics you were going to search for at the online catalogue in the library.''

  7. Explain the think-aloud process: ``Because we are interested in what you are thinking, I would like you to speak aloud about what is going through your mind whilst you are searching. If you are silent for any length of time, I may remind you to continue thinking aloud. Describe what you are doing and what you expect to happen. If something is confusing or surprising, please comment on it and tell me why. Please feel free to comment at any time about anything on the screen that catches your attention. Think of this as you giving me a running commentary on what you are doing and thinking. I will be noting the problems you mention, but in case I miss anything I would like to record your comments. This recording will be anonymous and treated in confidence. Would that be okay?'' [Position recorder on table.]

  8. Final instructions: ``Please remember that it is not you who is being tested, but our experimental database system and its interface. Take as much or as little time as you want. If you want to print any records for your own use later, you do so by clicking the Print button at any time. Let me know when you have finished. Afterwards, I would like to take about 15 more minutes to discuss the system with you and have you describe some of your impressions of it.''

  9. Begin test: press Record button on tape recorder, note time. ``Before we start, could you tell me what topic(s) you are going to be searching for?'' [Make a written note of the participant's statement of the search topic at the top of the Data Collection Form.] ``You may begin searching for information on your topic, and remember to think out loud about each thing that you are doing, why you select certain things, what is confusing, etc. Do you have any questions? Okay, you may begin.''

  10. During the test:

  11. Ending the test: when the participant indicates that they are finished, record the time. [Leave microphone on --- go directly to Post-Test Interview.] ``Allow me one moment to print out the log of your search, and then we can discuss your overall impressions.''

  12. Post-test interview:

  13. Finishing: ``Thank you very much for your assistance with our evaluation. You gave some very helpful information that should help us to improve our system. Here is a small gift in appreciation for your time time. I hope that you have a pleasant day.''

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Wed Jul 3 14:11:32 BST 1996