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Second Formative Evaluation : Post-test Questionnaire

  1. After search session: ``What I would like to do now is to ask you some questions about your search session to get your impressions of the system and how you think the search went. Is it ok if I tape this part of the session?''

  2. Questions: If users did not use an option, ask if this was:

    1. because they didn't see the option;
    2. because they didn't know what to expect from it;
    3. because they didn't need it.

  3. Participant questionnaire:
    1. Purpose of search and query formulation

      • What is the purpose of your search? Research? A course assignment? etc.


        Query as entered:................................................................................

      • How did you decide to formulate your query as you did?



    2. Thesaurus
      • What did you think of the Suggested Words and phrases when they appeared?



      • Where did you think they had come from?



      • Were they useful or not useful?



        If users navigated the thesaurus:

      • Did you like or dislike the way in which the thesaurus was presented?



    3. Full Document Display
      • Did you like or dislike seeing a full record instead of a list of book titles?



      • Why do you think you were asked to say whether the book was the kind of thing you were looking for?



    4. Title List
      • How do you think that the titles were ordered?



      • Did you find this useful or not useful?



    5. Current Query and Working Query
      • When the words and phrases shifted about in the Current Query list, what did you think was happening?



      • Why do you think the words and phrases were in different colours?



        If users deleted a term:

      • Why did you decide to delete x?



    6. Expanding a search
      • When you pressed the `More Books' button what did you think was going to happen?



      • Was the result as you expected?



    7. Typing Extra Words
      • Why did you decide to add a new word or phrase to your query?



    8. Printing
      • Were you satisfied or unsatisfied with the printing?



    9. Doing a New Search
      • Why did you decide to do a new search?



    10. Enquire in General
      • Did you find the instructions on what to do clear or unclear?



      • Was there anything you found confusing about the way the system worked?



      • Was there anything you found irritating about the way the system worked?



      • Is there anything else you want to say about the system?



      • How does the system compare with others you have used?



      • Would you like to use the system again?



      • How do you feel it is different from other library catalogues you have used?



    11. Satisfaction with the search

      On the following scale, how satisfied were you with your search? Did the search meet your expectations?

      1: Very Satisfied
      3: Neither Satisfied nor Unsatisfied
      5: Very Unsatisfied

      Please give reasons for your rating:



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Wed Jul 3 14:11:32 BST 1996