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Up: Querying and Searching
Previous: Query Formulation and
The sequence of events to be supported was defined in the following way:
- The user enters the initial query and presses the Return key to
- The system presents a) the top-ranking document from the search
results, and b) a list of ``suggested'' additional search terms from the
- The user examines the first document and makes a relevance
judgement. Within the scope of the current query, he or she can then
repeatedly choose between the following options:
- examine and judge the next document in the hit-list,
- look at the hit-list and select from it documents to examine,
- navigate the thesaurus to identify other terms,
- modify the query by adding or deleting terms,
- undertake an expanded search with the modified query,
- print out details of selected items.
- The user may decide to undertake a different search with a
completely new query, in which case the whole of the above sequence is
- Finally, the user may quit the session.
Wed Jul 3 14:11:32 BST 1996