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Much time was spent in discussing just how ENQUIRE's complex functionality might be presented to first time users. The designers did not want to rely on extensive on-line help, but needed to get across ideas about building up a query using terms from various sources to naive users, or those already more familiar with boolean searching. A particular issue was how to present the thesaurus so that users could understand why it was there and feel encouraged to use it.

It was agreed that the interface should consist of a single window containing separate ``panes'' or functional areas. Some ideas which were proposed included having expanding and contracting panes depending on the task and quantity of information to be displayed, and having panes which could be closed or minimised when not needed. The one finally adopted involved some overlaying of panes --- for example when thesaurus navigation was selected the thesaurus pane would overlay the document display pane. This reduced the number of panes on display at any time, and hence the complexity of the interface.

Within this framework, the important presentational issues were:

A full description of all the interface areas and their functions is given below in section 3.6.

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Wed Jul 3 14:11:32 BST 1996