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Iterative Design

User testing played a key part in the design of Enquire. Because TCL/TK was an interpreted language, and comparatively easy to learn, it could be used for rapid prototyping of design ideas which could then be tested with users.

From an HCI perspective, system evaluation must take into account the following measurable criteria, (from Shneiderman [9], p.X):

In addition to these criteria, there are others which relate specifically to the searching task. For ENQUIRE, the following questions exemplified the issues:

Informal evaluations of the system were conducted with users during the early stages of the design process, resulting in further periods of redesign and debugging. There were also two more structured formative evaluations, which are detailed below. The first took place over three weeks in June 1995, and the second over two weeks in September 1995.

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Wed Jul 3 14:11:32 BST 1996