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The Document Display Area

Retrieved documents are presented one at a time in the document display area on the right of the main window. Initially this area is empty and is headed by a label which says Book Details or Abstract Details, depending on the contents of the database. After a search, this heading changes to indicate the number of documents retrieved and which one is currently visible, e.g. Book Details: 9 of 80.

Field labels ( Title, Author etc.) are in black type, and field contents are in blue, so that they can be easily distinguished. Query terms occurring in the document are highlighted in brown. A Times Roman font was selected for maximum readability. The title is presented in a larger font than the rest of the text (18-point, as opposed to 14-point) to make it stand out.

Users are asked to make a judgement on each document they see in the document display area. (Unfortunately this judgement cannot be enforced, since they also have the option of going to the titles list.) The question posed is: Is this the sort of book / abstract you're looking for? to which the answer can be YES or NO. A positive response causes details of the relevant document to be placed in the pool --- see 3.6.7 below.

Wed Jul 3 14:11:32 BST 1996