Next: Session Summaries
Up: Large-Scale Evaluation
Previous: Measures of Success
The following tables give the results of the field trial described above.
The results from the two London Business School installations are combined.
Summary results can be analysed at three levels: the session, the
query and the search.
- A session covers the time taken and tasks performed between
the user clicking the Start button and either ending the session
properly or leaving the system to time out. A session consists of one or
more queries.
- A query is identified when the user types one or more query
terms into the data entry window and presses RETURN. This is either the
first query, or a new query following the user's selection of the
New Search button. (In practice a few users enter the initial query
again to repeat a search.) A normal query consists of one or more
searches; however there are instances where users begin a session and then
quit without searching.
- The first search is carried out after the user has typed a
query and pressed RETURN. Subsequent expanded searches are activated
when the user clicks the More Books button.
Wed Jul 3 14:11:32 BST 1996